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Community Garden Volunteer Opportunities

By August 16, 2013posts

Wanting to join a community garden, but want to see what it’s like first? Just wanting to get your hands in the dirt for a day? These upcoming community garden work days are perfect opportunities for both and are in need of volunteers willing to lend a helping hand:

Blue Spruce Community Garden
Join Blue Spruce Community Garden as they tidy up their garden on Saturday, September 7th at 10:00am! The day’s activities will include pulling weeds and pruning trees. The garden is located at 8725 E. 25th Avenue in Aurora and you can sign up to be a part of the work day here. Volunteer spots for this day are full! 

Ruby Hill Community Garden
Join the gardeners at Ruby Hill Community Garden, in partnership with All At Once, on Saturday, September 14th at 8:30am, for a work day that will include mulching, weeding and planting shrubs. Volunteers taking part in this work day have a chance to win a door prize of two tickets to the upcoming sold out Jack Johnson show! The Ruby Hill Community Garden is located at the corner of South Pecos Street and West Mexico Avenue. Sign up to be a part of the work day here!