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In 2023, Denver Urban Gardens (DUG) launched the Urban Garden Project. The Urban Garden Project is an initiative to unite, uplift, and amplify the community garden movement.


Community gardens are uniquely high ROI (return on investment) interventions and should be embraced by city builders as critical infrastructure for thriving cities. They deliver a host of benefits related to food, community and climate that help solve for some of the toughest problems facing our cities today.

We believe that everyone deserves access to fresh, healthy food, vibrant communities, and a sustainable future.

We invite you to join us in creating a flourishing network of community gardens across the nation – a movement that goes beyond just growing food, and focuses on nurturing relationships, empowering individuals, and healing the planet.

tell us about your organization

Goals of the Urban Garden Project:

  1. Establish community gardens as “must haves” instead of “nice to haves” in the eyes of city planners.
  2. Unite, strengthen, and activate the national and global gardening community in thought partnership and advocacy.
  3. Secure long-term funding and provide additional resources (back office support, group insurance, etc) to bolster the operational strength of new and existing organizations so they can focus on growing food and strengthening communities.

What We’re Building:

The heart of The Urban Garden Project is our comprehensive playbook. This invaluable resource covers all aspects of establishing and nurturing community gardens, including:

  • Back Office Management: Leveraging Salesforce for seamless garden administration
  • Garden Creation: Steps to initiate and maintain a thriving community garden
  • Leadership Guide: Empowering garden leaders with the tools they need
  • Food Access Strategies: Making fresh produce accessible to all
  • Land Use Agreements: Models for sustainable land usage
  • Therapeutic Gardens: Connecting mental health and well-being to gardening
  • Inclusion and Belonging: Creating diverse and welcoming spaces
  • Fundraising Essentials: Tips for sustainable financial support

If you’d like to get involved, contact DUG’s Executive Director, Linda Appel Lipsius

The Impact:

DUG’s Impact across metro Denver area has already transformed neighborhoods, fostering community, providing access to fresh organic produce, and sequestering carbon. By extending our approach across the nation, we project significant impacts:

Strengthened Communities
Gardens bring neighbors together, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose.

Deeper Self-Sufficiency
Through gardening, individuals regain agency over their food supply and well-being.

Action Towards Climate Change
Gardens contribute to carbon sequestration, healthy soil, and reduced water consumption.

Increased Food Access
The produce grown in these gardens provides fresh, locally sourced food to those who need it most.

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Partner Organizations

Location: Austin, TX, USA

Mission: To help groups start new gardens and provide support for existing community gardens on city owned land.

Programs Offered: gardening resources (tools), on-site compost, community gardens



Location: Honolulu, HI, USA

Mission: To provide people living in Honolulu’s densely populated communities access to garden plots.

Programs Offered: gardening resources (mulch, tools), community gardens




Location: Australia (nationwide)

Mission: To connect city farms and community gardens around Australia. It is a community-based organisation linking people interested in city farming and community gardening across Australia.

Programs Offered: community gardens




Location: Tucson, AZ, USA

Mission: To build community gardens where Tucsonans grow food, work and learn together, and nurture well-being in our communities.

Programs Offered: community gardens

Link to Volunteer




Location: Denver, CO, USA

Mission: To provide access, skills, and resources for people to grow healthy food in community and regenerate urban green spaces.

Programs Offered: community gardens, food access, Giving Grove partnership, on-site compost, financial management, education, school gardens

Link to Volunteer




Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA

Mission: To strengthen communities by building and supporting community gardens where every person in Los Angeles County can grow healthy food in their neighborhood.

Programs Offered: community gardens

Link to Volunteer



Location: New York City, NY, USA


Programs Offered: school gardens, CSA, on-site compost, gardening resources (seeds, seedlings, and compost), community gardens

Link to Volunteer



Location: Philadelphia, PA, USA

Mission: To use horticulture to advance the health and well-being of the Greater Philadelphia Region.

Programs Offered: on-site compost, compost drop-off, tool library, community gardens

Link to Volunteer



Location: St. Louis, MO, USA

Mission: To empower people and communities to grow food.

Programs Offered: school gardens, gardening resources (seeds, seedlings, tools), community gardens

Link to Volunteer




Location: Fort Collins, CO, USA

Mission: To enrich the lives of people and foster environmental stewardship through horticulture.

Programs Offered: botanic gardens, community gardens

Link to Volunteer




Location: Nashville, TN, USA

Mission: To bring people together to grow, cook and share nourishing food, with the goals of cultivating community and alleviating hunger in our city.

Programs Offered: community gardens, food recovery, gardening resources (water and tools), education

Link to Volunteer


Location: Houston, TX, USA

Mission: To be a catalyst in transforming food accessibility in Greater Houston. We aim to achieve this by fostering strong partnerships with local farmers and gardeners, operating vibrant Farmers Markets, initiating mobile markets, and providing comprehensive garden education.

Programs Offered: school gardens, kids’ programming, mobile markets, gardening resources (compost, seeds, and seedlings), community gardens

Link to Volunteer



Location: Salt Lake City, UT, USA

Mission: To increase access to growing and eating organic produce, providing hands-on opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to learn and connect through six impactful programs: Advocacy and Justice, Community Gardens, Education, Job Training, Youth and School, and Volunteers.

Programs Offered: school gardens, food access, working farm, community gardens

Link to Volunteer