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Welcome Linda Appel Lipsius, our new Interim Executive Director

By October 22, 2020April 26th, 2024DUG Team, News

As summer has transitioned into fall, DUG has also been undergoing deep changes. While 2020 has brought challenges to all of us, DUG’s resiliency has been tested in the face of economic uncertainty and organizational shifts. However, we remain grounded and inspired by our amazing community in your care of one other throughout this pandemic.

In late September 2020, Dr. Violeta García resigned from her role as Executive Director of Denver Urban Gardens after leading the organization for the past 10 months. We are grateful for her energy and service to DUG and wish her the very best in her next venture.

Today, we also delighted to announce that Linda Appel Lipsius has stepped up to serve as DUG’s Interim Executive Director. Linda joined the board of directors earlier this year and brings a wealth of entrepreneurial experience, as well as a passion for gardening, sustainability, and permaculture, to the team. We are grateful to have her guidance and dedicated leadership as we navigate these challenging times.

Meet Linda and learn more about where DUG is headed into 2021 and beyond!