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Wrapping Up an Incredible Year with DUG Corps

By November 5, 2024Community, DUG Team, News

The 2024 cohort of DUG Corps closed out an incredible year of impact. This year’s cohort dove even deeper into DUG program areas and connected with hundreds of community members, from one-off volunteers to gardeners. Our team included Delanie, Max, Nick, and Eve!  

The Year’s Goals

As the 7th DUG Corps cohort, this year’s team had plenty to work from, and much to do. Their goals for the year included:

  • Improve Corps members’ skills & professional development
  • Engage in & support DUG in their mission to provide access, skills, and resources for people to grow healthy food in community and regenerate urban green spaces

A Brief Look at Impact

The DUG Corps impact goes beyond what was measured to include deep, meaningful connections and community-building across all departments. They provided on-the-ground support for DUG to learn what our community needed from us, streamlining communication and shortening lead times for project completion.

… here are just a few figures representing their quantifiable impact:

  • 39 garden infrastructures supported
  • 1 new garden built
  • 2.8k direct interactions from community tabling
  • 6 signature events supported
  • 6k+ volunteer hours supported
  • 5k community volunteers engaged
  • 25+ education workshops supported
  • 43 volunteer workdays managed
  • 2k Grow a Garden kits distributed
  • 4 food forests planted

DUG Corps program is a collaboration between Denver Urban Gardens, Colorado State University (CSU) Extension, and AmeriCorps Colorado 

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