Micro Network
Purple: Central Cucumbers
75 West Bayaud, Denver CO 80223
Garden Leader Email
Community Garden, open to the public
Number of Plots
In the Baker Community Garden, there is a strong sense of community since most of the gardeners live just a short walk away. This site is located in one of the oldest neighborhoods in Denver, and many of the stately Victorian homes have been split into multi-unit apartments. Each spring, a dedicated core of gardeners return to cultivate their plots and welcome new participants who have taken over vacant plots.
Experienced gardeners are happy to share their knowledge of planting and pitch in with watering when their plot neighbors are on vacation. Designed after an English Kitchen Garden, the plots often produce more than individual gardeners can use. Community giving includes a yearly produce donation to the Samaritan shelter and informal giving to local neighborhood families.
Beneath two mature trees, a picnic table provides a place to meet, take a break, or share extra transplants and surplus vegetables. The garden has several perennial beds and a shed with community tools.
- Bancos de parque
- Mesas de picnic
- Pérgola
- Reportaje de arte
- Sillas