By Lauren Christensen, Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator
April showers bring Pamela Flowers, this edition’s volunteer spotlight, to the garden. As a Master Community Gardener, as well as a member of this year’s Master Composter program, Flowers volunteers with DUG on several levels and does it all with a smile. In addition to being involved through these channels, Pamela divides her time between being a garden leader at Cheltenham School Community Garden, where she is working with the other garden leaders towards creating a plot dedicated to food donation, and volunteering at Fairview Elementary School, where she teaches fifth graders about eating healthier food, nutrition and gardening. She states that it’s amazing to see the students at Fairview change throughout the program, from having no interest and not wanting to try new foods, to becoming more focused students, who are now excited to try new foods and ask amazing questions about the process of gardening. Pamela truly enjoys working with these students, investing the time to get to know them and their interests.
Pamela’s involvement with DUG began before she even lived in Denver. She said that she had been looking for a similar organization in Baltimore, her former home, for ten years, and when she found the DUG website prior to moving, she knew she had to be involved. Flowers loves being a part of DUG because she knows she is doing important work that impacts people’s lives in a positive way, such as helping someone obtain access to healthy food or find a community to be a part of. Flowers says that if she can help just one person become a little bit healthier, all of her effort will be worth it. She adds that helping people find the joy in gardening and touching the earth is another benefit, as she believes that doing so has a positive impact on one’s all around health. Pamela encourages everyone to get involved with DUG!
To learn more about volunteering with Denver Urban Gardens, click here.